Dec. 18th, 2021 - Our paper "In situ bulk magnetization measurement reveals the state of charge of redox flow batteries” has been accepted to publish in ChemComm! A great Christmas gift!
Dec. 2nd, 2021 - Evan gave a talk for Toni's Group at TU/e on the application of NMR for studying redox flow batteries. Exciting collaborations are on the way.
Nov. 19th, 2021 - Evan gave a talk at the Dutch NMR Discussion Group on the development and application of operando NMR for studying redox flow batteries and electrocatalysis.
Nov. 16th, 2021 - Evan pitched his idea of magnetic field - enhanced green synthesis of fertilizer at the NWO Innovation Festival.
Nov. 11st, 2021 - Evan gave a talk for Wen Liu's group at NTU on the applications of solid-state NMR for studying heterogeneous catalysis.
Oct. 21st, 2021 - Welcome to Dr. Bing Wu who is joining us from Dublin! Bing will work with Arno and Evan on developing microfluidic NMR technology on the 950 MHz system.
Oct. 13th, 2021 - a brand new Bruker Avance NEO console (photo credit: Dr. Ernst van Eck) for the 600 MHz system has been unpacked. Thanks to the leadership of Prof. Arno Kentgens, the consoles for the 400, 600 and 850 MHz systems in the MRRC will be upgraded to the state-of-the-art Avance NEOs. With these upgrades, exciting science is on the way!

Sept. 12th, 2021 - Ducks, our unofficial mascot, chill out outside the NMR center.
Sept. 8th, 2021 - The in situ NMR probe has arrived! Getting ready for in situ studies of electrocatalysis.

Sept. 1st, 2021 - Evan moves to Nijmegen and starts his own line of research. Hello Netherlands!
Aug. 8th, 2021 - Hello World!